Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The PET Scan

We went to LifeScan in Edina today for the PET Scan. I think LifeScan must make a lot of money... leather sofas, mahogony chairs with brocade padded seats... not that any of that is relevant. All that really matters is they do their jobs well.

At the end of the appointment they gave us a disk with mom's PET scan results. Obviously, I have no training in these matters at all, in fact I told mom that I wasn't even able to decipher where her organs were on the scan. That's not entirely true however, but the scan is so damn depressing that I don't dare give her the results. In fact, I am keeping my fingers crossed that I am completely wrong, but you can clearly see that due to the tumors and the fluid in my mom's abdomen that her lungs are being squooshed to about half their normal size. It looks like the tumors are all over the place, again, I pray I am wrong. We'll know for certain when we get the results back from the oncologist on Friday.

I had this copy created so that we can hand carry it to Mayo with us. I'll be making that trip in the next day or so.

Mom is still in a lot of pain, but it does taper off for a few hours right after she takes her morphine. Unfortunately, as soon as the pain is out of control, it takes awhile to get it back to a manageable point. She is staying very strong in thought though, even with the pain. She is determined to beat this.

Tomorrow is the biopsy. I'll post more then.

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