Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Biopsy

Mom went to the hospital this morning for the biopsy. The procedure itself went well. Waiting in the waiting room for the procedure to begin really sucked. Mom couldn't eat or drink anything (not even water) for 4 hours preceding the biopsy. She can't take her morphine without eating, and so she had taken the last dose of morphine at 6:30 am. Apparently something had gone wrong earlier in the morning in the radiology department and so everything was running behind. After 2 hours in the waiting room, mom was reaching her threshhold for pain. Near noon I went to the desk and told the receptionists that they needed to get my mom some help right away. She wasn't going to make it another 10 minutes. Fortunately they paged a nurse and they were able to bring mom directly in and give her an IV with pain meds.

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